Successful Homeschooling: What if… What if by the time you finish teaching your kids… They are kind. They are confident. They look people in the eye when spoken to. They befriend the new kids. What if: They put down their phone when others are in the room. They are strong and hard working. They know how to cook, chop wood and change the oil on a car. They are compassionate and caring. They LOVE to read and devour the written word. They never text and drive What if: They hunt down information when their interests are piqued. They can balance their checkbook and manage a budget. They can break down a project into a workable timeline. They can manage a calendar. They can create powerpoint presentations and present their ideas to a group. Related: Download your free “WHAT IF” printable What if: They know how to receive instruction. They can add, subtract, multiply, and divide whole numbers, fractions, and decimals. They can measure accurately using various tools. They can take a disappointment in stride. They lose with dignity and win with humility. Follow me on YouTube What if: They pass on compliments (…”my dad taught me that”) They can manage their own small business, like lawn care. They put things back where they found them. They acknowledge that a great team is worth its weight in gold. They master the art of harmony– working together blending talents and abilities for the greater good. … Read More »
97+ Amazing Ways to Make Math Fun for Our Kids Inside: A master list of simple, inexpensive, and fun ways to teach all the basic math principles your kids need to thrive. PLUS- Free Math RoadmapMost homeschoolers overcomplicate math with fancy curriculum, worksheets, quizzes, stop-watches and tests. We choose to be different!Before you scroll, get your free gift…Read More »
Need Help Finding Real Scholarships? We currently have three kids in college and one in the trades. In case you’re wondering… that’s a lot !We don’t believe that all kids need to attend college to be a success in life, but sheesh. Does it have to cost a fortune for those who choose that route?Jocelyn has our full attention!She made finding scholarships to fund her education her job and succeeded in earning enough money to pay for school AND earn overage cash. Finding Scholarships- Help is a click away!!Yes please!! How to avoid scams:
How to Make Learning Fun: EASY! She lays awake at night tossing and turning. She tries to rest, but when she closes her eyes she sees the slumped over image of her son burned into her memory.“I failed again.”She is confused. She read all the latest and greatest articles on how to teach her child, but when she tries to follow the advice, her son closes down and she becomes frustrated, discouraged and depressed.“I’m messing up my kid!”…Read More »
How to Turn Homeschool Frustration into Joy and Learning Dear homeschool mom,Don’t homeschool. I’m not kidding. Yes, kids need to read and write and solve basic math problems, but they don’t need school at home.They need to have plenty of time to run, jump, slide, swing, lay, laugh, build, and rest.Related: building toysGive them time to be bored, time to think, time to day dream.Don’t give them workbooks, worksheets, and hours of assignments. Instead, give them LESS.…Read More »
You Don’t Need to Apologize for Raising Kids In a Greenhouse It’s not fair.When you dedicate your life to raising your kids and personally stay at home to make sure their needs are met, you are like a master gardener inside a greenhouse.Greenhouses are safe and controlled environments which provide optimum conditions for seeds to grow. …Read More »
Choosing a Chore System that Works for Your Family Inside: Age Appropriate Chores {printable} We have always believed in the philosophy that children are a welcomed addition to our family. We love, eat, live, play and WORK together as a family unit. We also make messes faster than the chicken can cross the road to prove to the opossum it can be done. … Read More »
Easy Survival Tips for Living with a 12-Year Old Boy Inside: The secret to surviving life with your hormonal 12-year old boy and 3 must reads if you’re raising boys. {PLUS Free Raising Sons Cheatsheet} My 12-year old boy almost died today. That’s right, I almost killed him. … Read More »
Many Homeschoolers are Delayed Readers Too Inside: Ways to inspire your late reader. {Plus free cheatsheet} All FIVE of our sons were delayed Learners #1 Son Didn’t talk until he was four Couldn’t read until he was six Wouldn’t drive until he turned 19… Read More »
Boys: Messy, Loud, Combative, Energetic-Verbs Personified Are you a mom of boys? I am. I am the proud mom of five Messy, Loud, Combative, Wonderful and Energetic future men. My boys are “Verbs Personified”. (Combative- In this writing, I mean competitiveness to the extreme. Possessing a willingness to die for victory. A spirit of “all-in”. A determination that is indescribable) If you only have girls, I am not sure how much this one will apply to you, but please read on and share with your friends who have boys. I have spent a lot of time trying to stop myself from treating my boys like girls. I am very aware that boys are made quite unique from we girls. For the sake of this rambling thought, let’s agree on a few things first. … Read More »
10 Heartwarming Mother’s Day Crafts to Make with Your Kids Ready?!? Mother’s Day is a special day dedicated to honoring and celebrating the love, care, and hard work of mothers all around the world, and it’s time to help our kids make our special cards and gifts!!Because we’re moms! Making a Mother’s Day craft is not only a fun and creative activity for kids, but it also teaches them important lessons about gratitude, empathy, and love. Adorable craft…Read More »
Homeschooling for Beginners- Everything You Need to Get Started! Homeschooling is the process of educating children at home rather than sending them to a public or private school. It is a growing trend in the United States and around the world, with more and more parents choosing to homeschool their children for a variety of reasons. If you are a beginner looking to start homeschooling your children, this guide will provide you with some helpful tips and advice to get started.…Read More »
How to Homeschool and Work Full Time Homeschooling while working full-time can be challenging, but with careful planning and organization, it is definitely possible. Here are some tips that might help you:…Read More »
5 Fun Earth Day Craft Ideas for Kids Kids shows often celebrate Earth Day to educate children about the importance of environmental protection and conservation. Earth Day is an annual event held on April 22nd to raise awareness and support for environmental protection around the world.Download your FREE Earth Day Planner!…Read More »
13 FUN Ways to Teach Multiplication and Division Multiplication and division are two fundamental mathematical concepts that are essential for everyday life. These operations are used in numerous aspects of life, from calculating the number of items needed for a recipe to determining the cost of items in a store. For this reason, it is critical that kids learn multiplication and division facts from an early age. …Read More »
100 Easy Earth Day Activities for Families just like Yours Inside: 100 Earth day activities for families Earth Day was established to help moms like me not implode when the clean laundry turns into a sand box.…Read More »
Pincer Grasp Activities for Fine Motor Development Your son is using all of his fingers to rake small items into his palm rather than pinching them together with his thumb and index finger.Your daughter is choking her crayons rather than carefully holding them between her fingers.Maybe your kids need some help strengthening their pincher graspThe development of this fined tuned grasp is influenced by a child’s growing interest in objects and desire to hold them. Kind of curiosity’s way of helping our kids.…Read More »
Life Changing Books Every Homeschool Parent MUST Read This is a collection of the best homeschool books for parents collected from hundreds of moms and dads online! These book recommendations are from Homeschoolers in the trenches. Is your favorite on the list?…Read More »
10 Ways to Homeschool with JUNK MAIL! Let’s cut the strings of traditional curriculum and lean into the love of leanring!When those magazines and catalogs come in the mail, turn them in to homeschooling GOLD.…Read More »
Creativity and Boredom Inside: Free boredom Buster Ideas {Printable} My dad always said creativity and imagination lived just on the other side of boredom. I used to think that was so stupid. Sorry, dad. Then I grew up. … Read More »