7 Pre-K Thanksgiving Crafts 15 days of Thanksgiving Homeschooling ideas! Free of course! 7 Finger and Hand-painting Thanksgiving Crafts is a post from Bekki @ A Better Way to Homeschool where we learn to train our children to become lifelong learners. If you have enjoyed this post, be sure to follow Bekki on YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and Google+! 20 Thanksgiving Math and Reading Activities Day one: Give ‘Em a Hand So I have been looking for those Easy Crafts that Even Mom … Read More »
7 Easy Thanksgiving Desserts that Kids Will be Proud to Make Inside: Thanksgiving Desserts for kids and made by kids. Important: Keep kids safe in the kitchen! When teaching kids to cook, don’t forget to make sure they master Turkey Tetris. Seriously. Nothing makes you aware of how blessed you are like having to move a bunch of food around so you can fit an over-sized bird in your refrigerator. Remember- Your kids WANT to help when they are little. I think one of the the biggest mistakes we make is how we respond to the question, “Mommy, can I help?” “No, sweetie, go play while mommy cleans up/makes dinner/folds laundry.” When kids are 3-years old, we know that “let me make eggs” means they run to the fridge, open the door and break 11 eggs on the floor before we can stop them. But, this stage- the “can I help” stage is where the magic of raising wonderfully helpful teens happens. Answers to the question: Can I help? Absolutely! Yes! Here are your very own rubber gloves to protect your hands while you do dishes. Oh, thank you! Go get your apron. Pretty please! I need help making dinner. Of course! Many hands make light work! How would you like to help me? I was hoping you’d ask! Which job should mommy do, and which job should you do? Sure! Do you want to be the boss or the helper? Helping around the house should be fun, natural and expected. Create a special playlist that tune in kids to the fact that it’s time to cook, time to sweep, time to fold. Relationships aren’t built over coffee at a cafe; relationships are built over piles of dirty dishes and mounds of laundry. Food. It’s a BIG deal. We have encouraged our five sons to help in the kitchen from the time before they could walk (think-rolling high chair). I remember the first time my oldest son decided to make eggs for the family. “I make eggs!” I tried to beat the little squirt to the fridge, but the 3-year old had broken a dozen eggs on the kitchen floor before I could stop him. He beamed with pride. While I always had kids open cans, dice veggies, and stir pots of delicious foods, my husband is truly the brilliance behind teaching my sons how to run a kitchen. Kids love to help in the kitchen. All five of our sons can cook to some degree or another. We even have their favorite “fails”- like chili. … Read More »
Simple Last Minute Thanksgiving Activities for Kids Inside: 10 Last Minute Thanksgiving Activities for Kids that even your Uncle Bob can Supervise. Hosting Thanksgiving without a plan for the kids attending in my back pocket was my biggest mistake ever. “They look so innocent.” Photo by Andrew Branch Have you seen what a ‘handful of littles’ can do when the adults are all busy preparing food, watching football or eating pie? It’s in the category of, “grab your camera and snap a picture. Once I calm down this may be funny enough to send to America’s Funniest Videos.” I think homeowners and renter’s insurance was invented on Thanksgiving Day. … Read More »
4 Fabulous Thanksgiving Day Activities 15 days of Thanksgiving Homeschooling ideas: Day Seven : 4 Fabulous Thanksgiving Day Activities 4 Fabulous Thanksgiving Day Activities is a post from Bekki @ A Better Way to Homeschool where we learn to train our children to become lifelong learners. If you have enjoyed this post, be sure to follow Bekki on YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and Google+! Thanksgiving is next week! AS you are busily menu planning, shopping, and decorating you might want to prepare a few fun activities for the family. I know we will be preparing our second annual “Turkey Shoot” where we will be shooting balloons and turkey targets with bows and arrows and BB guns… Yes, I live happily with my husband and 5 boys. Here is My Top 4 List of Simple and Fun Activities Thankful Pie Spinner by Simply Modern Mom I love this idea. Trust me, even older kids will enjoy making a spinner wheel. Turkey Feathers You’ll find the directions and the cute printable at by The Idea Room. Thanksgiving Story Bracelets All you need is a pipe-cleaner and a handful of beads and you can lead a wonderfully memorable story time for your kiddos while the turkey is baking. My Monetessori Journey has a nice story printable and the directions for the beads. Thanksgiving Scavenger Hunt Kids of all ages will love participating in your first annual scavenger hunt. I love this starter list by Family Fun. Have the kids brainstorm and add a few fun items to make it your own. More Thanksgiving Activities Here Thanksgiving Math, Reading, Science Activities for 3rd Grade 30 Thanksgiving Activities, Crafts, and Games for K-2nd Grade 21 Thanksgiving Math Activities for Kindergarten 4 Thanksgiving Jokes Solved with Divisibility Fall Math and Literacy Super Bundle- Grades K-2 Did You Enjoy this Article? Subscribe to receive our latest and greatest: right here I’d love to here about your Thanksgiving Traditions…
3 Fabulous Footprint Crafts 15 days of Thanksgiving Homeschooling ideas! Free of course! Day Two: Pitter-Patter of Little Feet I love little footprints. The smaller the better, don’t you think? I have been searching for footprint art and guess what? This “genre” of art is a bit tricky to find! Here are the best crafts I could find for you to capture those cute feet. Cute Footprint Keepsake Plate by Handprint and Footprint Art Follow in His Foot Steps Stool I love this idea by Simply Kierste! When I make it, I will add the scripture: John 12:26 If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there will my servant be also. If anyone serves me, the Father will honor him.