5 EASY Ways to Deal with Homeschool Frustration Inside: Real solutions for the Frustrated homeschooler You woke up ready to rock this homeschool gig. You even had it all together. Until… You find the baby decorated her wall with her diaper contents and your middle schooler needs help with math. You begin to cry. When 5:00 rolls around you look in the mirror and realize the person staring back at you not only looks like she fought a battle and lost but she forgot to plan for dinner… again. So you cry again and pour cold cereal for dinner. I bump into home-school moms all the time who are frustrated.Are you one of them? … Read More »
3 Fabulous Footprint Crafts 15 days of Thanksgiving Homeschooling ideas! Free of course! Day Two: Pitter-Patter of Little Feet I love little footprints. The smaller the better, don’t you think? I have been searching for footprint art and guess what? This “genre” of art is a bit tricky to find! Here are the best crafts I could find for you to capture those cute feet. Cute Footprint Keepsake Plate by Handprint and Footprint Art Follow in His Foot Steps Stool I love this idea by Simply Kierste! When I make it, I will add the scripture: John 12:26 If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there will my servant be also. If anyone serves me, the Father will honor him.