Experince First: Marine Biology September 19, 2014 By Bekki Leave a Comment This content may contain affiliate links.Experience First: Marine Biology is a post from Bekki @ A Better Way to Homeschool where we learn to train our children to become lifelong learners. If you have enjoyed this post, be sure to follow Bekki on YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and Google+! I am not excited about marine biology. The thought of teaching about bio-luminescence and phytoplankton simply do not cross my mind during the school year. So what if I have a Marine Biologist hiding inside one of my children? This is a prime example of experience first. You know, get up to your elbows in a subject first, then teach about it later… Our second son worked all spring and summer to pay his own way on a Tall Ship adventure. He was excited to learn to sail, kayak, and snorkel. He just returned this past weekend with a passion to learn all about marine biology. Why? He studied different phytoplankton under a microscope. He Observed an octopus in the ships aquarium. He snorkeled among our state fish (the garibaldi). Finally, he swam with baby seal lions. Actually, one jumped right onto his back while he was on his boogie board: How cool is that? Should it surprise me that he now wants to study marine biology? Of course not! He was able to experience the wonder of the ocean before I ever had him prepare a 5 paragraph essay on the wide varieties of ocean creatures. Take your children out into this amazing world. Let them get wet, muddy, and wonderfully dirty. Explore until you find what makes their heart skip a beat, then dive into the books to learn more. You will be thrilled with the “education” you are delivering to your children.