Customizing Homeschool September 15, 2014 By Bekki Leave a Comment This content may contain affiliate links. I love creating personalized plans and activities for my kids. Actually, it is not only a passion of mine, but almost an obsession. I remember being about 6 or 7 years old and creating learning packets for my younger sisters. Fast forward almost 40 years and I am still making packets. And I LOVE every single minute of it! Every month or so, I give my readers here free copies of some of the activity packs that I have created. I am preparing a free bundle of goodies this week, so NOW is the perfect time subscribe. There will be something for kids of all ages in this “insiders gift set”. I want to invite you to join in the fun! It only takes a minute… Subscribe to this blog! Subscribe here! I have special tips and freebies for my readers!!! I will not spam you. You will simply get an email whenever I have a few minutes to share valuable homeschooling tips and encouragement. Visit my Store(click here) and Follow me (you will find the “follow me” right under my name at the top of the page. Why? I make new learning packets all the time. You will find something that helps you teach your children here! (if you have an idea of what you need, but cannot find it, let me know. I may be able to make you a customized activity pack. Thank you for subscribing and following me! Be sure to email me if you have an idea that you would like to see turned into a cute learning activity pack!