Abstinence Sex Education-Purity, Sex, and Waiting!! https://abetterwaytohomeschool.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/sex-ed.mp4 The video above shows you how to use this puzzle approach. You can also see the same video on Youtube. A Sweet and Simple way to Talk to Your Kids about Purity, Sex, and Waiting!! The Lord gave me this idea about 15 years ago while teaching a group of 5th graders. My dilemma: How do you teach giggly, squirmy, and hormonal kids that God has a beautiful design and plan for them as it relates to sex? Just the mention of anything intimate sends kids into a panic. God’s Solution: Puzzles! I created this simple puzzle to explain God’s design for sex and marriage to my own children. All five of our sons have been taught about intimacy and marriage this way. Get your copy here It’s also included in the Bible Studies for Kids BUNDLE