Teaching the U.S. Constitution Teaching the U.S. Constitution Confession. I was not excited to teach the boys about the Constitution. I have never been interested in this precious document. Terrible, I know. Funny how your heart changes as you study something… We have fallen in love with this document as we read and discuss our Constitution and the power of what was written. This past week, we were studying t and foche first few sections of the Constitution and have focused on the fact that the founding fathers kept journals of all their meetings. My boys keep journals, so I thought it would be fun to dig back through the House of Representative and Senate Journals. What a treasure! I had the boys choose a period of time in our country’s history that interested them. (They chose the Great Depression) We then searched the journals to see what was going on in the legislature at that time. Things the boys discovered: Just a few… The members of the legislature had to wait until a voting majority arrived before discussing any governmental business. (It took weeks for them to assemble enough voting members) Most of the action items we boring everyday necessities: Like budget. You can glean what was happening at the time by reading through the journals: The need to improve highway safety Death penalty revisions What a treasure to dig through historical documents with the boys! I would highly recommend seizing opportunities to dive in deeper with your own kids: regardless of what you are studying together. Do you want to browse the journals of the House of Representatives and Senate? Follow the links and see what you can discover about our nation! United States Journals