Relaxed Homeschool? Yes, It’s possible! December 27, 2017 By Bekki Leave a Comment This content may contain affiliate links.Inside: Homeschooling can be rip-your-hair-out hard. These Tips will help you hold on to your sanity and all of your hair. I almost hit my goals with homeschooling.I know, “Almost doesn’t count except in horseshoes, hand grenades”, and homeschooling.Grandma always said, “you cannot hit a goal unless you have a target.”I aim for being a loving wife, a cool mom and a relaxed homeschooler. That is my target. Relaxed homeschooling.Yep. I try to hit that one every day, week, month and year of homeschooling.Sometimes, I even hit my goal!It has taken me years to realize that relaxed homeschooling is not lazy homeschooling.I know some of you just did a palm to the face while thinking, “Duh!”What does Relaxed Homeschooling look like? Photo by Larm Rmah Ok, but what you have boys? Do you see? Relaxed homeschoolers are calm, peaceful, smiling, and OUTSIDE. When we are too obsessed with academics, we miss “life”.We can even be guilty of sucking the joy out of our kids. Those two things are the “hinge pins” of relaxed homeschooling.Everything you do depends on these two things.Being calmBeing preparedphoto by Jeremy Bishop If you do not have your act together, the kids will know.They sense your panic and gang up on you.They ask you questions. Lots and lots of questions.They challenge your lessons.They disappear while you try to formulate an answer.There are so many ways to homeschool. This method, that method.That curriculum, no curriculum.Teacher-centered, child-centered.Only you know which method will work for you, but I will let you in on a secret…Spazmatic homeschooling fails.Lazy homeschooling fails.Relaxed homeschooling succeeds.Now before your coffee comes up through your nose as you snort at the idea of your home being relaxed, remember I understand. I have five boys. Boys by Jordan McQueenRelaxation does not just happen in a house filled with boys.I mean really. Who am I kidding? That old “Calgon take me away!’ commercial was created for moms of boys like me. But relaxed homeschooling is possible.Photo by Ján Jakub Naništa 8.5 Secrets to Unlock Relaxed Homeschool Mama, be calm.Get a goodnight’s sleep (whenever possible).Eat well.Stay hydrated.Wake up before the kids and be ready before they roll out of bed.Have a plan. Minimally, know what is on the agenda for today: all meals, schoolwork, and errands.Ideally, have at least a month of school penciled in at a time.Map out week by week, then break it into day by day lessons.Here’s the half tip. It’s the most important one: Be flexible. photo by Ileana SkakunBonus Tips:Save time to read aloud.When you fall in love with a story, or place, or historical event… dig deeper.Embrace Notebooking.Explore, discover and learn together.Bottom Line: by Gabby OrcuttThe Easiest Tips that we ALL forget.Get outside every day. It’s Scientifically proven to help kids learn.Simplify your agenda. Does your kindergartener really need to have six subjects and three extracurricular activities?Know your long-term goals. By the time my little one graduates from High School, what do you want your kids to know inside and out?Relaxed homeschooling takes a bit of planning, but not the “Complete page 12 and answer questions” type of planning. It takes vision. It takes goals.It takes time and purposeful effort.You can hit your target. I am here if you need any help.If you could change one thing about homeschooling your kids (besides switching kids:)) what would it be?Print this free homeschool mom reminder.This post comes with a free printable reminder list to help keep your heart focused on the heart of homeschooling. I always have the hardest staying focused. This printable simplifies it!Here is a sneak preview…Download Your Free PrintableDownload the checklist. You’ll get the printable, plus join 9,000+ homeschool moms who receive my weekly parenting tips and ideas!Print. Any paper will do the trick, but card stock would be ideal.Place it on your refrigerator as a helpful reminder.