Kindergarten: The First time I Got in Trouble in School January 19, 2017 By Bekki Leave a Comment This content may contain affiliate links.Inside: Warmth for your taste buds and your soul. When I was in kindergarten, my teacher got mad at my mom. When Mrs. House asked me what I enjoyed for my healthy breakfast, I cheerfully replied, “Cereal and a cup of coffee!” Yep. Mom got a call that day. Of course, that is also the day the Mrs. House learned that my mom wouldn’t tolerate anyone telling her how to parent. Go, mom! Do you have a gold membership to the “I drink Coffee” club? I began drinking coffee before my first birthday, so I am a platinum member. photo by Boris Smokrovic My dad would hold me on his lap and we would share his coffee as we watched birds in the morning. That’s when I fell in love with both songbirds and coffee. Homeschool moms like me survive on coffee. Let’s face it. We are tired. Dead tired. Once, I was reading my son The Cat in the Hat and I startled awake as I mumbled something about a purple elephant. We all know there are no elephants in The Cat in the Hat. Is this you? If you sit, you sleep. If you pause, you sleep. If you try to read aloud, you sleep- only to startle awake muttering about elephants? Do you avoid sitting all day long? That makes homeschooling a bit tricky. So- COFFEE. Three cheers for being able to sit on the sofa without snoozing! Do you have an on-going love affair with coffee? Is Coffee why you roll out of bed in the morning? Does it warms your heart and melt your soul while simultaneously delivering that wonderful necessary power-source: caffeine. (I know, God first, then hubby, then kids… for me coffee is way up there on my list of priorities) I will not lecture you on the harmful effects of caffeine. Caffeine is wonderful. Scientifically wonderful. Three Scientifically Proven benefits of caffeine: In Japan, researchers have shown that caffeine increases memory. People who consume caffeine have a lower risk of suicide. Caffeine improves reaction time and logical reasoning during times when sleep isn’t possible or restricted (Like parenting small children) Coffee is on the top of our homeschool supply list, right? Always has been, always will be. I have a treat for you today. I wish it was the ability to supernaturally blink and have all your laundry cleaned, folded and put away. Or sitting across the table from you with a warm cup of wonderful and listening to you describe your biggest hopes and fears about parenting and homeschooling. (The might be considered a treat for me, not you… but I would love to hear all about it) My treat for you is a collection of ways to enjoy coffee. Let’s show our kids that creativity can be embraced in many forms, even our beverages. photo by Alisa Anton Paleo Hacks Brings us: 39 Ways to Eat and Drink Coffee That was 39! That’s more than one way to enjoy a cup of coffee every day of the month. Did you just sigh? “You had me at ‘coffee‘”. I want to try the Salty Caramel Frappe, how about you? So that’s all. Something from me to you. Because I want you to have a better memory. I want you to be less suicidal. I want you to be able to read The Cat in the Hat without being bothered by purple elephants! 🙂 Bekki Looking for a Unit Study on songbirds? Melissa has a wonderful lesson: Birds, Nests, and Eggs Unit Study Print this free homeschool mom reminder.This post comes with a free printable reminder list to help keep your heart focused on the heart of homeschooling. I always have the hardest staying focused. This printable simplifies it!Here is a sneak preview…Download Your Free PrintableDownload the checklist. You’ll get the printable, plus join 9,000+ homeschool moms who receive my weekly parenting tips and ideas!Print. Any paper will do the trick, but card stock would be ideal.Place it on your refrigerator as a helpful reminder.