Homeschooling Resources and Encouragement April 3, 2013 By Bekki Leave a Comment This content may contain affiliate links.Homeschooling is a living breathing thing. Just when you think you have it all figured out, your kids change on you. Life keeps you on your toes this way! Homeschooling moms can lead pretty isolated lives at times. Homeschooling can be challenging, and sometimes downright difficult. We all need encouragement, creative idea boosts, and sometimes a swift kick in the pants (That one is for me). We need to be learning and growing right alongside our children. We need to model good learning and studying habits. There all kinds of “how to homeschool” and curriculum guides out there. This is where I will share my own resources or years of homeschooling experience and wisdom. Click on these links: Start Here! Where do I begin? Homeschooling is a Beautiful thing! Teaching with Toddlers and Babies Why is it “A Better Way to Homeschool?“ Amazing Notebooking Templates for Journalling