High School Electives for Homeschoolers December 29, 2019 By Bekki 3 Comments This content may contain affiliate links. Like chocolate and vanilla ice cream; teenagers and electives are meant for one another! What better way to take the reins of their learning, than to allow our teenagers to have a little bit of creative control over their future and learning. What is an elective? Homeschool electives are homeschool high school courses the help supplement core subjects or are geared to your child’s interest. Electives are a fantastic ways to teach your teen life skills. Credit When determining credit, 120 hours is the minimum necessary to earn one credit, while 60 hours would be adequate to earn ½ credit. Can you create your own? Of course!! You would be wise to write a course description giving details of the course’s content. The HSLDA does a great job explaining this! Why electives are amazing Electives are a beautiful way to allow your kids the opportunity to try on and master skills that will help them step toward their future. Free Printable Entrepreneurial Electives: Why not make a little money along the way!! Starting an Online Business for Beginners (1 credit) **Use code ELECTIVE2 for discountLearn how to Launch a Podcast Series (1 credit) **Use code BETA for discount!Selling on Etsy masterclass (1 credit)EBay Resale (¼ credit)Make and Sell Printables (1 credit) **Use code ELECTIVE1 for discount Masterclasses: So many to choose from!! Learn to program (1 credit)Filmmaking (1 credit)Photography (1 credit)Game design and theory (1 credit)Electric Guitar (1 credit)Directing (1 credit)Electronic Music Production (1 credit)Chess (1 credit)Tennis (1 credit)Writing for young audiences (1 credit)Hand Lettering (1 credit)ASL (American Sign Language) (1 credit)Cooking (1 credit)YouTube Channel Creation (1 credit)Learn Hebrew (1 credit)Pinterest marketing (1 credit)Learn to Declutter (1 credit)Facebook Fan Building (¼ credit)Art History (½ credit) Have a recommendation for an elective? Comment below!
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