From 8th Grader to Man: Homeschooling through High School March 21, 2016 By Bekki 2 Comments This content may contain affiliate links.Son #3 is currently wrapping up 8th grade. That’s right, high school is just around the summer corner. It is time to make “the list”. What list? The “Everything I want to teach you before you graduate from High School” list. What subjects, topics, and ideas should I squeeze in? Working together with the almost high schooler, we made a growing list of all the things he wants to learn and I want to teach him before he graduates. This is an incredibly important step. Here’s our list. (Remember it is a living list, being amended often) Things to learn/do before Graduating High School: Know God’s Word Have character qualities of: integrity diligence patience joy kindness goodness self-control How to drive defensively How to be organized: manage a calendar to do lists plan projects How to make a budget How to create a budget spreadsheet How to balance a budget How to balance a checkbook How to do laundry wash, dry & put away Iron How to do basic auto work: change tire change oil change spark plugs how to look up simple auto repairs How to cook at least 10 meals from scratch How to create a Power Point Presentation How to use Excel Become comfortable with Public Speaking How to put thoughts on paper essays letters reports resumes/cover letters poems/stories Join a team (like rowing) Learn to ballroom dance Learn CPR Master 100 songs on the guitar How to apply for a job and interview Hold first job Start a business How to vote intelligently Complete all high school requirements: get diploma Begin/complete associated degree Exercise daily Add to this list: Be a lifelong learner We spent quite a bit of time developing his list. High school has so little to do with passing standardized tests. I needed him to see that. High school is filled with learning information on a checklist so he can get his diploma and move on.He knew that already, but what he hadn’t realized is that high school is when he transitions from childhood to manhood. That will be our focus. Related: Homeschool Goals Worth Achieving When you graduate what kind of man do you want to be? loving kind honest hardworking diligent dependable organized helpful A Jesus follower. I want to be sold out for Christ. Able to manage money responsibly: saving and setting aside money for retirement. I want to be able to fix easy things on my own car. I want to be able to do research and develop a presentation to share my findings. I will be a team player. A man who can sweep my future bride off her feet on the dance floor. A Man who can do CPR on someone whose life is in jeopardy. A business owner. A responsible citizen: doing research and voting responsibly. Being active. Someone who knows there are only two kinds of information: what you already know what you need to learn: anything can be learned! A writer: maybe not a published author, but someone who can put their thoughts on paper intelligently. A communicator: a good listener able to speak to a small group or a crowd without fainting. A good cook. I want to be the “I got this” guy. This was so good for our son. He does his school work well, yet he doesn’t love schoolwork. His heart flew wide open when he realized our goal was to teach him life skills. Sure, schoolwork is on the list. He will get a diploma for sure. But that piece of paper is worthless if he is a lazy jerk. (Yes, I said that to him). Because he is a boy, I said that this world is already full of men who are lazy jerks. He will not be one of them. He doesn’t want to be one of them. So we made a list of goals. We planned (and will continue to plan) his high school years. This list is our focus. Not a random fact, book, or page number. Life Goals. [leadpages_leadbox leadbox_id=14017bc46639c5] [/leadpages_leadbox] Hard working, honest, diligent, and kind men are grown and nurtured. They do not spontaneously evolve. Do you have a Middle Schooler or High Schooler? If you haven’t already, it is time to make the list. Join us in our journey to fill the world with responsible, hardworking, loving, and kind adults. [leadpages_leadbox leadbox_id=1446f8546639c5] [/leadpages_leadbox] [leadpages_leadbox leadbox_id=142a79846639c5] [/leadpages_leadbox]
[…] your long-term goals. By the time my little one graduates from High School, what do you want your kids to know inside and […] Reply