Forget Math Flashcards! This is the Best Way to Learn Math Facts April 22, 2017 By Bekki Leave a Comment This content may contain affiliate links.Almost pulled out my hair today. My 11-year-old Stephen, woke up more bouncy than usual. That’s saying something. (I’m guessing Winnie the Pooh’s buddy, Tigger, was inspired by an 11-year-old ADHD boy. Just sayin’.) While I am not a big labeler, if this son of mine were in a “traditional classroom”, I’m confident he would have been stamped as dyslexic, ADHD, and an overall handful. He is, it’s true. But that’s why God gave him to my husband and me. (Big toothy grin) Most days, his bounciness is controlled by sitting on one of those exercise balls at the table, or knitting when we read aloud. But some days, like today, there is no way possible to get him to unbounce. You see, tomorrow we venture 8 hours to visit our beloved In-N-Out Burger joint. The fact that there isn’t an In-N-Out in Washington state was almost a deal breaker when we relocated here. Anyhoo, Stephen is so excited. He barely sleeps. He has been counting down the days, hours, and now minutes to our departure. Every few minutes, he lets us know that the reason he swinging from the ceiling is that he is excited. Now, Try to teach Tigger a traditional math lesson. Yea, I spit out my coffee too. It ain’t gonna happen. It’s not that Tigger is dumb. In fact, My Tigger is quite brilliant. But when his bounce-O-Meter is off the charts, I simply have to throw all traditional looking material on the floor for padding. He is not capable of concentrating under these circumstances. So, What’s a Homeschool mom to do? Find a game that requires him to compete, work quickly and concentrate. Oh. Quiet. It must be quiet. Voila! I am so excited about this game. It actually allows me to beat play along with my sons as we race to practice math facts. Let me introduce you to my new favorite math app: Math Slide This quiet app is perfect for multiple kids racing to practice their facts. It’s fast paced and interactive. The free version is enough to whet your whistle and give you a five-minute break. Shouldn’t I make him sit still? I tried. Nothing’s worked. Not even: Sending him outside to shoot baskets. Giving him a fun Star Wars math fact worksheet. Which he loved, but he bounced and talked through the whole thing. Making him run around the pine tree in the front yard. Having him lie still for ten minutes with his eyes shut. Actually, this backfired because he took a power nap and had renewed bounciness. Why be still? He was bouncing all around the other boys, making it impossible for them to concentrate. His bouncing was distracting my “awesome work-from-home hubby”. Poor guy was trying to have a conference call with Tigger in the house. I wanted him to do some math practice. In hindsight, it wasn’t that important. I should have taken him on a long walk, but the other boys were busy doing their own school work. So I did what I hate doing, I turned to technology. Don’t judge. This is usually the last resort for me, but I am thrilled with this discovery. I did love to tell you that Stephen stopped bouncing, but that would require a sizable lie. In the end, his energy infected us. We were all equally excited about our trip. He just wore his excitement on the outside. You can download the math slide app through iTunes. [leadpages_leadbox leadbox_id=141827f46639c5] [/leadpages_leadbox] Print this free homeschool mom reminder.This post comes with a free printable reminder list to help keep your heart focused on the heart of homeschooling. I always have the hardest staying focused. This printable simplifies it!Here is a sneak preview…Download Your Free Printable Download the checklist. You’ll get the printable, plus join 9,000+ homeschool moms who receive my weekly parenting tips and ideas! Print. Any paper will do the trick, but card stock would be ideal. Place it on your refrigerator as a helpful reminder.