Forget Math Flashcards! This is the Best Way to Learn Math Facts Almost pulled out my hair today. My 11-year-old Stephen, woke up more bouncy than usual. That’s saying something. (I’m guessing Winnie the Pooh’s buddy, Tigger, was inspired by an 11-year-old ADHD boy. Just sayin’.) While I am not a big labeler, if this son of mine were in a “traditional classroom”, I’m confident he would have been stamped as dyslexic, ADHD, and an overall handful. He is, it’s true. But that’s why God gave him to my husband and me. (Big toothy grin) Most days, his bounciness is controlled by sitting on one of those exercise balls at the table, or knitting when we read aloud. But some days, like today, there is no way possible to get him to unbounce. You see, tomorrow we venture 8 hours to visit our beloved In-N-Out Burger joint. The fact that there isn’t an In-N-Out in Washington state was almost a deal breaker when we relocated here. Anyhoo, Stephen is so excited. He barely sleeps. He has been counting down the days, hours, and now minutes to our departure. Every few minutes, he lets us know that the reason he swinging from the ceiling is that he is excited. Now, Try to teach Tigger a traditional math lesson. Yea, I spit out my coffee too. It ain’t gonna happen…. Read More »