Homeschooling: Where do I Begin? So you have made the decision to home school your children, but have no idea where to start. Today, let me give you a jump start. Understanding that you should: Establish your family mission statement Pick the subjects/topics/curriculum to study Determine how you stay organized … you can still get started today. First. Pick a subject that interests you and your kids. I highly suggest going to the local library (or browsing your own bookshelves). When I first began homeschooling I discovered my library did not have a book limit. What that meant was every time I took the kids to the library, we would leave with 20-40 books! (Words of wisdom: teach your children to respect books. Keep your library books in a separate location, like a basket. Mark your calendar to remind you when the books are due. I suggest giving yourself a few days cushion just in case the baby gets sick. Late fees at the library are minimal unless they are multiplied by 40 books…) Second. Learn everything you can about that subject: Together! Read. Research online. Search Netflix. Search YouTube. Get deep into learning!! Third. Choose a project to showcase what you all have learned! Project Ideas: Mini books, notebooking, lapbooks, pocket books, and power points are just a few suggestions. Third. Spend a week (to a month) becoming and expert and making that project! (approximately). Fourth. Ready, Set, Learn! Have a blast learning along side of your kiddos. The more excited you are, the better. Enthusiasm is contagious. Fifth. This step is vital. The kids (and you) have worked hard to create some amazing project. No matter how simple the final product turns out to be, make sure the kids share it with someone. Have them walk daddy through their creation, explain it to grandma, or teach it to a neighbor. This will do two things: Reinforce what the kids have learned Let them bask in the spotlight! Here are a few resources to help you set up your project: Sign up here to receive freebies, deals, and resources!! A wonderful resource for mini-books~ Lapbooking templates My Favorite Pocket Projects How to create a power point