Super Secret Code November 10, 2020 By Bekki Leave a Comment This content may contain affiliate links. If there’s time on the clock keep reading… 3 Ridiculous things. One time, I opened the refrigerator and found my brother’s left shoe. No explanation. Just a left shoe. Another time, one of my sons was hard at work making a mountain knife with his dad and needed to make sure the blade wasn’t hot. So he placed it on his arm. “That was dumb!” He screamed.Last week, I agreed to host a Bekki Hates Bra online party. And I thought the left shoe was ridiculous! I still can’t believe it In a closed SAFE group of homeschool moms I asked for recommendations… A friend tagged another friend and soon I was looking at this image. This is what made me do it! All I said was WOW, I need that! Short version: I need some new bras and I decided to try the ones in the picture.When asked if I wanted to host a party to earn discounts or freebies, I RUDELY said “No!”I felt bad for being rude, so I asked my homeschool group if anyone else hates bras and would come to a bra haters party…Now there are almost 70 of us inside giggling about hating underwire and other bra-ish things. What does this have to do with homeschooling? Moms are people too!Moms need to feel more secure and confident too!Most moms are wearing bras that don’t fit. Grab Your Secret Code. Original, I know. Yes. The code is: SuperSecretCode Just for pausing for 2 seconds and asking yourself if you LOVE your bras, I’m giving you a HUGE discount on anything (or a bunch of things) in my Shop. Do you love your bras? Skip to number 3.You hate your bras? Me too! Join the fun.Use your SuperSecretCode before the timer runs out. This year is DEFINITELY the year of the ridiculous. Hopefully you don’t end yours with a shoe in your refrigerator.