11 Creative Ways for Moms to Make Money from Home November 29, 2019 By Bekki 1 Comment This content may contain affiliate links.Sitting in my kitchen staring at my computer thinking, “Can I make money from home?”Before we go too far… My definition of HUSTLE is “busy movement and activity”. I use the phrase hustle because it’s a popular search term. One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned is to make sure my work online is actually found. Write that tip down. No matter what YOU decide to do, that one is key!I’ve tried lots of things to earn cash from home, but my favorite way is using what I call magic and monopoly.I don’t want to turn my garage into a knife forge, or my living room into a craft creation warehouse. Is it too much to ask to simply wave my magic wand, pull an idea out of my head and make a little money? LOL! I’m guessing you’ve had the same thought.After years of trying to make measurable cash from my imagination, I finally did it well enough to share with you!Magic.An idea can earn income if you can package it in an attractive way and bring enough people to come and take a look at it. Our kids do this all the time when they set up a lemonade stand our front yards. The prettier the stand and the bigger the smiles the larger the sales, right?It’s not hard to think of a great (or even just good) idea. As a homeschooler and blogger, my brain is always on creative mode. Printable, lessons, planners, and classes come to me in my sleep. I’m guessing you have some ideas too.I want thisThe Magic Happens when you learn to package your idea in a way that causes someone to stop scrolling on their screen just long enough to think, “Hey! I need that!” When the number of people who pause to look at your “thing” grows, so does your income. MAGIC.Monopoly.After creating about 100 printables for homeschoolers, teachers, and parents I began thinking, “HEY! I like what that seller over there created too. Is there a way that I can share her thing and make a few pennies too?” I call this monopoly money. Making a profit through the easy-peasy process of sharing other peoples creations. The business world calls this affiliate marketing. I call it monopoly- like the game. Because games are fun.Creative Ways I personally have earned at least $300 Network marketing. Come on. Most of us have “tried it” at one point or another! I’ve been a part of Amway (In the old days) and Advocare in the more recent decade. In the end, network marketing just isn’t my sweet spot, but there are some incredible companies out there!Blogging. This is where my online journey began and continues to grow today. “How can I turn my passion for writing and sharing stories into dimes, quarters, and dollar bills?” I earn income through ads, reviews, and selling products and classes I create all from my blog. All digital products. (Magic)Get 3 powerful strategies that will make readers love you + grow your traffic{Time-Sensitve} If you want to grow your blog’s traffic, you’ll love this free workshop for bloggers: How to Get More Traffic With Fewer Posts. In one hour, you learn how to get more traffic with fewer posts using the best blogging strategies backed by science. A lot of free blogging workshops aren’t worth your time, but I went through this one myself and can vouch that you’ll get a ton of new practical tips and tricks for converting visitors to fans who keep coming back. Grab your spot before it closes!! –>>Sign up HereShe only does this workshop 1-2 times a year. Get on her list so you don’t miss out!Selling printables. “I’m making them for my own kids… “Can I package my printable to sell online?” YEP! (Magic) I began my journey uploading my creations to Teachers Pay Teachers and now sell them on my blog and in an online store too. Join the How to Make and Sell Printables on Etsy or TpT ClassAffiliate Marketing. After taking a blogging class, I shared a link to the next series of training and earned $300. “Wait? WHAT!?!” You mean I can share other peoples golden products and classes and earn a small (or big) commission for that sale? YES!! (Monopoly) An Affiliate share can look like this!Create e-Classes. “If I make classes online will people enroll?” YES!! (Magic)List of Side Hustles for Homeschool MomsDon’t let the word hustle throw you off. I get emails all the time from stay at home homeschool moms who are desperate to make a few hundred dollars a month. We homeschool moms who wake before dawn and stay up too late to work are the image of hustle- busy and moving toward our goals.Download your FREE Printable List Here.Just want a no-fuss list of ways to make money from home?Blogging Network marketing (Direct Sales)Affiliate MarketingSelling Digital PrintablesSell Online ClassesAnswer PhonesTutor onlineSell PhotosSell CraftsSell your ClutterBecome an Etsy seller But some of us need more than a no-fuss list. Some of us need a little more help and guidance. That’s why I created this guide.Grab your printable Guide for working from home. It includes:A Plan ChecklistFive Ways I’ve Made $300+/eachWork from Home Checklist8 Goals for the Work from Home MomTips for Working with Kids AroundUse this guide to help you jump start your ideas, get yourself motivated and keep a hold of your family. When you’re done, do something cool with the paper! Psst! That’s another creative idea for your kids:).My name is Rebekah Sayler, Professional Nerf Bullet Dodger, author of Homeschooling From the Inside Out, owner of A Better Way to Homeschool and homeschooling mom of five rambunctious sons. Yep. It’s as crazy as it sounds! I am most thankful for the love and support of my husband of almost 30 years, Craig, for being my rock and best friend in this wildlife we created. When I’m not dodging nerf bullets or stepping over piles of Legos, I create classes, printables, books, and resources to encourage Christian homeschool moms to trust the Lord in their journey. My heart’s passion is to share the truth that it is possible to educate your kids using God’s word as a guide while focusing on the holy trinity of homeschooling: heart, attitude, and character.