Sick Kids November 6, 2012 By Bekki Leave a Comment This content may contain affiliate links.Best laid plans of Moms and Homeschoolers jump out the window when the kids spike a fever and feel miserable. (Note I said, “and feel miserable”. In my home, a fever could be coupled with a child that has absolutely no other symptoms. That would = normal homeschool day for me!) Today, I have 3 sick kids and I do not feel so well myself. I know we will curl up and read and watch an educational (or fun movie) at some point, but I wanted to share this recipe with you. It’s fast. It’s easy. It brings cheerfulness into the morning. Gingerbread Men Eggs! Visit my cooking blog by clicking on the link above and check it out:). Not sure what to do with your sick kids? I liked this article! 9 At Home Activities for Sick Kids