Look Up from The Screen February 24, 2014 By Bekki 2 Comments This content may contain affiliate links.We were sitting in the waiting room for hours waiting for our son’s turn. He was scheduled for minor surgery and the doctors were running behind. Honestly, it wasn’t that bad waiting. He was 15, so he no longer complains. (Don’t laugh, he really does not complain) Everyone in the waiting room was happily entertained with their electronic devices. The 8 year old, the teenager, and the 3 elderly patients waiting for surgery or loved ones all quietly played on their ipads, computers or phones. After my son was called in, the time went much slower. I finally put down my ipad and said aloud, “I was wondering how people survived waiting rooms before technology. I bet they actually talked to one another…” All of the “patients” were now in surgery. It was just we few parents who remained behind. Suddenly, we all put our toys away and shared our stories. One mom said her son was having surgery because after his cancer, her son had developed an infection. She was more than eager to share their story. Time flew by and the nurses came to call her to recovery. I looked at the last mom in the room and said, “I am going to be nosey and ask you about your son too.” She laughed and shared that he had trauma to his eye from a football injury and then went into the details of how they were going to repair his eye. We chatted for a long time. Just as she was sharing her sons ambitions to join the Navy, and elderly man walked into the room and overhearing her comment said, “The Navy is a great choice!” I asked him of he was a former sailor like my husband, and he went on to chat our ears off about his tour. He was delightful, and we both were able to thank this veteran for his service to our country. Time flew by once we all put out toys away. We became vested in each other’s stories, rooting for our children (And the veterans wife). I bet you will find yourself in a situation this week where everyone around you is engrossed in their screens. I would encourage you to be the first to put yours down and open a conversation. I bet you will be blessed!
MommaYoung says February 25, 2014 at 3:07 pm What a great thing you did. It is somewhat sad when I look around and see 9 out of 10 people with their faces in their electronic devices. How much we are missing like the lost art of having a conversation. I love that you got to speak to the veteran, I don't think enough of them get thanked for their duty, endeavors or sacrifices. Reply
Bekki says February 25, 2014 at 3:40 pm I am usually quite quiet in public. Lots of kids around me keep my attention focused inward. I was amazed at the difference in the feeling and atmosphere of the room when we engaged each other. Where the clock was ticking by at a snails pace while we played with our electronics, it flew by in conversation where we shared our burdens with one another. Honestly, it was beautiful. Reply