Homeschoolers Have Imagination October 28, 2013 By Bekki Leave a Comment This content may contain affiliate links. Homeschoolers Have Imagination is a post from Bekki @ A Better Way to Homeschool where we learn to train our children to become lifelong learners. If you have enjoyed this post, be sure to follow Bekki on YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and Google+! I was sipping on a hot cup of tea as I watched 4 of my 5 boys run and play in our open backyard. The 14 year old had constructed a wildly creative game which included characters, superpowers, challenges to overcome, and evil to defeat. It was amazing to watch them play, but what struck me most was the 14 year old. He was fully “in character”: crouching, running, pressing imaginary buttons on an invisible control panel, and leading his younger brothers. He proved, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that it is “cool to play make-believe”. Even when the youngest (7 years old) became bored, the older son was quick on his feet. “You want to quit now? Awww, I was just about to find a magic power disk that would allow you to use all forms of magic.” And just like that, the game was extended. Years ago I had a fellow homeschool mom share with me about her oldest child. She said he was frustrated with his public school friends because they had lost their imagination and forgotten what it was like to run around and play. At the time he was about 17 and still loved running and imagining. His friends thought he was crazy. What a thrill it is to have children who not only have active imaginations, but who feel the freedom to actually act on them! Let me ask you a few questions. Do your kids play make-believe? Do your kids entertain themselves without a lot of direction from you? Do you marvel at their creativity? Is the “default mode” for down time at your home electronic (TV or Video Game related?) Would your kids have fun or kill each other if you sent them outside right now for 30 minutes? Be sure to follow my next few posts as I share how we have nurtured our “inquiring, inquisitive, talented, and imaginative children. Did You Enjoy this Article? Subscribe to receive our latest and greatest: right here