MATH FACTS! Bundle of Homeschool GOODNESS August 24, 2020 By Bekki Leave a Comment This content may contain affiliate links. Days Hours Minutes Seconds Bundle of MATH FACT GOODNESS (retail 0ver $80)You pay ONLY $14.99 1. Where's your goodie- It's on the way! 2. GRACE- a free goodies for you. 3. MATH FACT Bundle of Goodness. Give your kids a BOOST and help them MASTER those Basic Math Facts! You can barely keep up with meals, activities, and laundry and everything else on your never-ending to-do list. And yet, you know that now is the time to do your best to get your kids ready for life. In just 10-15 minutes a day, these FUN Basic Math Fact activities will make your child will feel empowered, stop the confusion caused by not doing activities that count, and show you that even underneath that massive to-do list, you're still an awesome + fun parent. Bonus: Get the Basic Math FACT BUNDLE of Goodness (CRAZY DEAL- over 90% off) But only for a few minutes... Bundle of MATH FACT GOODNESS (retail 0ver $80)You pay ONLY $7 ... for the next few minutes only. Bundle of Homeschool GOODNESS for over 90% discount. “I’ll Buy It Back”Guarantee. If for any reason you are not satisfied with the Bundle of Math Fact Goodness, I will buy it back from you. ~ 100% RISK FREE ~ Here’s my 100% Better-Than-Risk-Free-Take-it-To-The-Bank Guarantee: 30 Day Money Back GuaranteeIf you aren’t 100% satisfied – I don’t expect…or want…to keep your money. Simply send off a quick email to me and I’ll happily refund your money in full. That means you can’t lose no matter what!