Apple TV and Homeschooling March 14, 2013 By Bekki 1 Comment This content may contain affiliate links.Apple TV and Homeschooling is a post from Bekki @ A Better Way to Homeschool where we learn to train our children to become lifelong learners. If you have enjoyed this post, be sure to follow Bekki on YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and Google+! My husband was right. There I said it. Go to and watch the short video on their home page and see what caught my attention and made me decide he was right. Years ago, my brilliant husband began talking to me about computer programming. I refused to listen because just the thought of software code gave me a migraine. He had just bought one of the first iSomethings that had games on it and said we should learn to develop applications. I nodded and walked away with honestly no intention of ever looking beyond a pretty internet site. Funny how things change over time. About a month ago, my husband and I celebrated our 23rd wedding anniversary by blessing each other with his and her iPads and while at the Apple store he threw an Apple tv unit into the pile. Apple tv is this little box that plugs into our current telelvision and allows us to share whatever we are looking at on the computer right there on the big screen. Netflix, websites, YouTube: anything. I fell in love with this $100ish device. I began using it for homeschooling videos and games. I do not receive anything for telling you it is worth the $100, but I have to warn you. It may cause you to change your mind. I had resisted computer programming for well over a decade, up until that little Apple tv entered our home. I didn’t see it coming. After a few weeks of sharing his favorite YouTube Videos, this past week he crossed the line. He (brilliant husband mentioned in sentence number 3) made all 7 of us sit on front of the television on a beautiful sunny morning to watch videos.on.Python programming!! Yes, I protested internally (which means I left to clean the kitchen and start laundry), but eventually I caught glimpses of what was being shared on our big screen and began to wander closer. (you can read and watch on There are currently 400,000 computer science students projected to be employed by 2020. Modest estimates say there will be 1.4 million computer jobs open by 2020. Computer Science is one of the highest paying degrees 9 out of 10 schools do not even offer computer programming classes. By this time I came into the room to watch some of the interviews. Seriously. GO watch the video on their home page with an open mind. Want to dabble in coding? There are a bazillion coding languages, where should you begin? Here’s a great visual of some popular computer languages. What computer code should you learn? Did You Enjoy this Article? Subscribe to receive our latest and greatest: right here
Unknown says June 29, 2016 at 5:14 pm As a homeschooled kid now in the professional market, it's crazy how valuable coding skills are for jobs that don't even strictly require it. Learning the basics goes far! (Here are some helpful resources I've found Reply