22 Simple Manners Every Kid Should Know By High School July 1, 2021 By Bekki 1 Comment This content may contain affiliate links. Has this ever happened to you? You beam with pride with joy at how wonderful, caring, and thoughtful your kids are; and without warning, they prove your heart wrong. Before you beat yourself up for being a terrible mom, Before I drag my ungrateful son away from his new pile of gifts, I need to tell us something. They’re kids. Kids are not born with good manners. Children are not gifted with social graces. Actually, it seems as though the opposite is true. Our kids need our help. They need loving, patient, and consistent training to help them learn how to love and be kind to others. Sure, some kids are born ready to help, serve, and love. Most need a bit of help, or in some cases a total overhaul. And that’s ok. Actually, it should be one of our central parenting to-dos. MANNERS ARE A LOST ART. This lesson needs to be reinforced all throughout life. One of our college-aged sons recently did an act of kindness that blew up in his face. Her arms were full, and he raced to open the door for her as a courtesy. He held the door open and smiled. Imagine his shock when the young woman began cursing and swearing at him because her “dared” to hold open the door for a woman.! I can’t even share the things she said. Horrible. All because he opened the door… AND YET, HE STILL OPENS THE DOOR FOR OTHERS- WITH A SMILE. “Because it matters, mom. It’s kind, and it’s the right thing to do…” Yes, it matters. According to Family Time, Good Manners Are Good for Your Kids. Good manners are attractive. Other parents and adults prefer kids who are polite and so do school teachers. So do future employers. Good manners build self-esteem. When you respect others you respect yourself and that makes a person more confident. Good manners make others feel good. We all benefit when the people around us are more caring, respectful and compassionate. Good manners impress people. Your children will get positive attention and respect. Politeness is a sign of strength, not weakness. So What’s a Mom to Do? Take action. Let’s decide that your Kids, your Family will be different. Incorporated manners training into our everyday lives; as a part of homeschooling. How to Teach Manners Effectively Start where you are. It’s no use teaching your daughter to say, “It was so nice of you to visit today” if she hasn’t mastered the art of saying thank you. Pick one or two manners to focus on with your kids. Set up a “let’s practice” area and take turns exercising the new skill. Keep the practice sessions short and fun. Review the manner each day. Be sure to put your silly hat on and let your kids catch you doing it wrong! When they master the skill during playtime, let them know, “after tomorrow this is how we will behave in this situation, but I think we are ready for a new manner!” Before a playdate, outing, or family visit- Do a Quick Review of manners you want them to practice. SO WHAT MANNERS SHOULD YOU TEACH YOUR KIDS? It’s completely up to you and your family. The most important thing is that you pick a few and get practicing. This world needs people who: Say thank you Open doors for strangers Remember people’s names Offer to help And give and receive with kindness and grace. Manners go a long way… Before you leave, go ahead and grab a copy of my book, Homeschooling from the Inside OutIt’s completely FREE. Just click over and fill in your first name and primary email below and we will send you a digital copy immediately!!