Parenting Tip of the Day: 3 Strikes Rule Inside: The secret to teaching kids how to judge their own behavior. Plus a nifty Three Strikes Rule {printable} The glare I gave my son was a huge clue that he was doing something wrong. He looked confused- like maybe I was the one who had a problem. I took a deep breath, counted to ten, then took another deep breath. Was it really as bad as I was making it out to be? Walk in my shoes for a second. Your 7-year old son is laughing. What do you think? Good or bad? Oh, it’s not just ‘any ole laugh’, but the silent loaded kind. You can see his face turning redder by the second, his body jiggling. His eyes are squeezed shut and tears start running down his face. At any moment, that joyous sound will escape from his body. Loudly. So what’s the problem? You are at a funeral. … Read More »