Snow Activities for Kindergarten December 16, 2021 By Bekki Leave a Comment This content may contain affiliate links.Looking for play-based, super fun, easy-for-you Kindergarten Activities for your kiddos?The January Kindergarten Binder is packed with a variety of kindergarten skills practice, all while playing with toys, playdough, and common craft supplies!Learn moreI am a PROUD affiliate with Planning Playtime!Here are some SNOW DAY Activities for Kindergarten, Preschool and the Whole Family!Prepare your printable goodies for your Preschoolers and Kindergarteners.2. Grab your SNOW DAY Printables for your older kids!Spend a few days learning about SNOW3. Make fake snow if you live in a warmer place!4. Dive deeper into the characteristics of snow. This will get you started!5. FIND SNOW and build an amazing snowman… TOGETHER!