Forget Healthy Super Bowl Snacks; Let’s Fix Half-Time Together February 5, 2020 By Bekki Leave a Comment This content may contain affiliate links. Are you with me? You may be die hard football fans. Me? I choose who I wan to win based on weather and uniform colors. It’s very scientific. But I’ve always loved watching the Super Bowl. Fun Healthy SnacksDelicious not-healthy snacksHilarious and heart warming commercialsAmazing Half-time shows This is not a “Don’t watch the Super Bowl Rant”, but there is a BIG problem and our kids can help!! What was once a wonderful family afternoon has morphed into a hide your kid’s eyes event during half-time. No matter where you stand, we all agree that the half-time shows are Anti-Family friendly. Let’s teach our kids how to attack hard things like this head on. Do something. Refuse to complain. Be the change. Write to everyone important you can think of who CAN make a change.Get your family and friends, schools and co-ops, churches and sports teams to join in too. Refuse to participate. This one means being willing to say no to things you love. Big changes may need a financial cost attached. With the Super Bowl, money will talk. If enough people refuse to watch or buy products from advertisers who endorse the anti-family half-time show… things will change. But I’m just a kid! You have time and energy that CAN make a difference! When you get mad or offended, come up with a solution and get your voice or idea in front of the correct people! Who is in charge? Decide to write. What’s their address?Email address?Facebook profile?Instagram? Get creative! Make a video and shareWrite an essay and submit it everywhereInterview many people and collect data. Are you the only one who sees the problem? Let’s teach our kids how to FIX things. Life Skills for Kids of All Ages PRINT THIS FREE HOMESCHOOL MOM REMINDER. This post comes with a free printable reminder list to help keep your heart focused on the heart of homeschooling. I always have the hardest staying focused. This printable simplifies it! Here is a sneak preview… DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE PRINTABLE Download the checklist. You’ll get the printable, plus join 9,000+ homeschool moms who receive my weekly parenting tips and ideas!Print. Any paper will do the trick, but card stock would be ideal.Place it on your refrigerator as a helpful reminder.