Dad’s Role in Homeschooling May 11, 2016 By Bekki 2 Comments This content may contain affiliate links.One of the hardest lessons I have learned over the years is that I should ask my husband for homeschooling advice. I asked teachers. I asked girl friends. I asked other homeschoolers. I even googled. But I neglected asking my own husband for help or guidance in homeschooling. I share this with the hope that you will learn from my mistakes. I was never intentionally ignoring his wisdom, I was simply wrong in my thinking. You see, I have always been the primary teacher for our five boys. I cook, I clean, I teach. My husband has always worked very hard as the provider of our home. He is a brilliant computer guy who is always up to his eyeballs in the latest technology. I always thought this meant he didn’t know what the boys needed as far as “school” was concerned. Boy was I wrong! True. Hubby is too busy at work to: pick out science experiments choose curriculum grade math tests. That’s where I always failed. I thought since he wasn’t involved in the “small” homeschooling things that he wouldn’t have anything to offer besides support for me. Sheesh. I was so wrong. While I do still struggle with this mindset from time to time, I have learned to prioritize not just including my husband, but rather allowing him to lead us in our homeschooling adventure. How does My Husband Lead without being the day to day teacher? He helps cast a vision for our homeschooling. He keeps me focused on the Lord. He reminds me that character trumps curriculum. Every. Single. Time. He reminds me to focus on life skills and “an attitude of learning” rather than any particular topic. He helps me regulate my own schedule so I do not spin myself into the ground. He trusts me to choose curriculum and teaching topics that align with our family while educating our boys. While that is not an exhaustive list, it is an important one. My husband and I have very different homeschooling roles and we are dependent on one another. Without his guidance and wisdom I would quickly chase the wrong rabbit down the wrong path. For those of you homeschooling alone, I can only imagine how challenging your journey is for you. If there is anything I can do to make your homeschooling journey easier, just ask! Preview of the Heart of Homeschooling God’s Way Master Class. We need to STOP measuring success by grades, achievements, awards, and worksheets.
Lisa Nelson says May 12, 2016 at 11:29 am This is so true. Really true. I am not sure why more people don't talk about it. It's not just about mom. Everyone supports the child's education. I always ask my hubby questions. If I don't know how to teach something, he jumps in and does it or gives me ideas on how to do it. He will do video lessons where he watches videos with the kids. It's important. Thanks for this! Reply
Bekki says May 12, 2016 at 3:32 pm I could never homeschool without my husband. We definitely have different roles, but they ar completely dependent on each other!Thanks for stopping by Lisa! Reply